Welcome! I am excited for you to start Group Jazz Piano Lessons! Learning jazz piano is a very rewarding experience and can be enjoyed throughout your life. Before we get started, let’s make sure all expectations are communicated.
(360) 939-1086 • stephanie@pianowithsteph.org • 721 Jadwin Ave, Richland, WA
Studio Policy
The 2024-25 session starts Monday, September 9, 2024, and ends Monday, June 2, 2025 for Monday classes.
The 2024-25 session starts Wednesday September 11, 2024, and ends Monday, June 4, 2025 for Wednesday classes.
COST OF LESSONS: There is a one-time $30 materials and insurance fee due with registration at the beginning of the year. This goes toward teaching supplies, music, and insurance. I will supply all books/materials throughout the year.
The monthly tuition is $90 for group lessons.
Dual Enrollment tuition is $70 for group lessons (Dual enrollment means a student is signed up for both private lessons and group lessons).
You are paying for 31 lessons split up over 9 months. The monthly lesson tuition is the same whether there are 3, 4, or 5 lessons in a month. There will be no lessons:
November 25 - 29, 2024: Thanksgiving Week
Monday, Nov 11: Veterans Day
December 23, 2024 – Jan 3, 2025: Christmas Break
Monday, Jan. 20: MLK day
Monday, Feb. 17: President’s Day
March 31 - April 4, 2025: Spring Break
Monday, May 26: Memorial Day
PAYMENT OF TUITION: Payments are due by the 1st of each month. You are paying in advance to reserve your seat in the weekly classes. All payments will be online through pianowithsteph.org. Payments will be set up to occur automatically on the 1st of each month when you register online.
The $30 registration fee will be paid online when you register.
NO MAKEUP LESSONS: Tuition is based on enrollment, not attendance. Lessons that you miss will not be made up. Your session tuition reserves a specific lesson time each week. If you cannot attend a lesson, there will be no refund. You will receive all the lessons you pay for only if you show up for your scheduled time each week. If you have an illness or a one-time conflict with your regular lesson time, please contact me to let me know you will not be attending.
BE PROMPT FOR YOUR LESSON: You will receive only the time remaining if you are late.
PRACTICING: Daily practice is required. The amount of practice will be discussed in the group Lessons. Failure to practice will result in dismissal. Parental support and dedication are necessary to achieve this requirement.
JAM CLASSES: Once a month, a guest drummer and bassist will be joining the class so students can have the experience of playing along with other musicians.
You will need to buy a metronome and the iReal Pro App
I will be providing lesson books and practice material
I will be providing a binder with practice sheets for notes about assignments and tracking practice time
Read the practice sheet in their binder after each lesson so that you will know what goals the student is expected to work toward that week.
Buy a metronome. I can send you a link to one online for purchase if you don’t have one
Call, text, or email me with questions or to discuss your child’s progress
Remind them to practice
DISCONTINUING LESSONS: Every student stops taking lessons at some point. Ideally, this decision is made thoughtfully with plenty of discussion between the teacher, parent, and student so that lessons can cease with a positive sense of closure. For this reason, the teacher requires at least one month notice prior to discontinuing group lessons. You will not receive a refund if you discontinue mid-session. Note: At the discretion of the teacher, students may be asked to discontinue lessons at any time if they have unpaid tuition, an excess amount of absences/unprepared lessons, or if they show a lack of interest.
MY QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE: B.A. in Music, Emphasis in Jazz Piano – BYU-Idaho. Member of Music Teachers National Association (MTNA).